The impact and implications of Immigration Reform for marketing communicators February 14.

Hispanic Market Pro (HMP) and the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) are hosting an unprecedented national teleseminar Wednesday, February 14 titled “The Impact and Implications of Immigration Reform.” The teleseminar, which will take place from 3 to 4 p.m. ET, will be anchored by a stellar cast of Hispanic marketing, corporate and public policy leaders who will discuss the immigration issue in-depth with an emphasis on the implications for marketing communicators, which has never been fully explored before. Time will be allotted for Q&As at the conclusion of the 60-minute teleseminar.

From Florida to California and in points across the U.S., undocumented immigration is one of the hottest and most contested topics today but what are the implications of this issue for marketing communicators? Some of the practical topics that will be covered include:

An unprecedented view into the immigration issue for communicators…

— What is the size, demographic data and purchasing power of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. of Latino descent? What are the top five largest markets of undocumented Hispanic immigrants?

— What did the immigration protests of 2006 achieve and how might they have accomplished more?

— How will the immigration reform debate change now that the Democrats are in control of Congress and what is the likely timeframe for tangible changes?

— How does the immigration debate affect the way we approach communications and outreach to the Hispanic Consumer Market (HCM)?

— Are corporations currently targeting and/or reaching undocumented immigrants, and if so how?

— Should corporate America engage in any initiatives to assist undocumented immigrants and if so, what are some of the safest ways?

— What are the types of grassroots programs and initiatives that can be developed to reach out to the undocumented immigrant community? What are their preferred media marketing vehicles?

— Which industries seem most attuned to marketing communications related to the high number of undocumented immigrants?

— What are the unique challenges of marketing to undocumented immigrants?

— How can marketers develop campaigns that are sensitive to all Hispanics, including the undocumented immigrant segment?

— Should marketing communicators leverage immigrations issues in their communications? Why or why not?

— What is the impact of the 10-12 million undocumented Latino immigrants? Can their purchasing power be harnessed? How?

— What role, if any, will immigration demonstrations play in helping shape the debate moving forward in 2007 and 2008?

— How does the fear of national undocumented worker raids affect the cost of doing business?

— How can communicators in government and non-profit organizations gain the trust of undocumented immigrants that they may be trying to help?

— Are there any special considerations for non-profit organizations reaching out to immigrants?

— Are online tools available to market to undocumented Latinos and if so, what are they?

The teleseminar panel will feature the insights of:

Brent A. Wilkes, National Executive Director, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). Wilkes manages the operations of the country’s largest and oldest Latino advocacy organization focusing on improving the quality of life for all Hispanics.

John Trasviña, President and General Counsel, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)—Trasviña is one of the nation’s leading public policy authorities on Latino civil rights and matters affecting immigrants, minority communities and women.

Hilda Delgado, Partner, The Ideas Group—Delgado has been in the trenches of some of the most intense and complicated labor disputes and was a lead organizer of the 2006 Los Angeles pro-immigrant protests, which were the nation’s largest.

John Echeveste, Partner, Valencia, Perez and Echeveste Public Relations—Echeveste is a founder of the Hispanic Public Relations Association (HPRA) and is considered one of the pillars of Hispanic PR.

Moderator Jim Estrada, Chairman & CEO, Estrada Communications Group—A former TV news reporter whose marketing communications agency has serviced corporate giants Anheuser-Busch, Cingular, McDonald’s and Wal-Mart in their HCM outreach efforts, Estrada is one of the most respected Hispanic PR pioneers in the nation.

Access rates per teleconference call-in site are:

— $150 for PRSA and HPRA members
— $185 for non-PRSA members
— $85 for members of PRSA’s Multicultural Communications and Educators Academy sections
— $85 for members of the media
— $25 for PRSSA students

Click on link to register for the teleseminar:>

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