Aetna announces alliance with Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities.

Aetna announced a formal alliance with the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU).

HACU is a non-profit organization representing more than 450 colleges and universities in the United States and abroad. Its member institutions collectively enroll more than two-thirds of all U.S.Hispanics in higher education.

As a result of this alliance, Aetna will become HACU’s health partner and will provide online health information to member schools through a link to Aetna’s InteliHealth website, executive mentors and guest speakers for HACU events, and financial support for HACU’s annual conference.

This alliance is Aetna’s latest initiative focused on gaining knowledge and building relationships within the nation’s Latino community. The health insurer’s strategic vision includes strengthening relationships with Hispanic organizations throughout the country by offering a wide variety of affordable health benefits products designed to meet the unique needs of racial and ethnic minority populations.

In 2007, Aetna plans to partner with HACU to develop a case study on health care disparities and culturally sensitive health care delivery that would be offered through HACU’s member institutions. Aetna’s national leadership and research on disparities in health care among Caucasians and racial and ethnic minorities have been in the forefront of a national movement to eliminate disparities in health care based upon race.

“The alliance with Aetna will provide our students and faculty with a reliable source of web-based health information, hands-on training through the mentorship program, and the financial backing the Association needs to continue to educate our members on how we can effect change in the health status of Latinos,” said Antonio Flores, president and CEO of HACU. “The case study Aetna proposes is an indication to us that the company is genuinely interested in meeting the health needs of our community and making a difference in the quality of life of Latinos,” Flores added.

“We’re excited about the opportunities that this new alliance offers,” said John Webb, head of Business Alliances for Aetna. “It will allow us to learn more about health needs of Latinos in higher education and we intend to use what we learn from the case study to further customize our health solutions to meet the needs of our Latino members,” Webb added.

“Aetna’s recent success has been a result of building relationships, building alliances and creating tailored products and services to support its members’ health needs at every stage of their lives,” said Raymond Arroyo, head of Diversity for Aetna. “The relationship with HACU will provide us opportunities to highlight our student health solutions through our Chickering Group products; benefits plans for part-time employees through our Affordable Health Choices products; and customized retiree products for higher education professionals through the Emeriti Retirement Health Solutions products.”

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