The Latino Factor: a new documentary about immigration.

Marcos Nelson Suárez, publisher of “El Hispano News” in Dallas, Texas and documentary filmmaker, has produced a new documentary titled, “The Latino factor.”

The 45-minute documentary portrays the history of immigration in the U.S. and analyzes the current political frenzy about the undocumented population using interviews with political leaders, university scholars and community activists, including interviews with Minuteman leaders and officers from the Border Patrol.

“The current rhetoric about border security and illegal immigration is really more about the national creed than anything else,” said Mr. Suárez. In 2005, University professor Samuel Huntington published his book “Who Are We.” “Basically, The book argues that Hispanics and in particular Mexicans are a threat to the national identity and the creed of the United States because arguably, they don’t assimilate,” says Mr. Suárez.

“The Latino Factor” tries to dispel that notion and prove that assimilation is just a matter of time. The documentary shows the extraordinary rallies of Latinos all over the nation after the House of Representatives passed a bill in December 2005 that makes undocumented aliens felons, penalizing them as well as anyone else who helps them.

“The Latino Factor” offers also a stream of statistics on labor, contributions to social security and participation of Hispanics in the United States as well as demographic information.

“The Hispanic influence in the U.S. is a very recent phenomenon of less than 40 years,” explains Mr. Suárez. “In other words, there has not been time for assimilation. Like any other ethnic group, usually by the third generation assimilation is almost complete. “I don’t think that Prof. Huntington, or any other of the Latino immigration detractors, are taking into consideration the time factor regarding the assimilation of Latinos.”

“The Latino Factor” will premiere on October 19 at the Latino Cultural Center in Dallas, Texas.

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