KMEX-TV attracts 1.7 M viewers for the Argentina vs. Mexico World Cup Match.

On Saturday, June 24, KMEX-TV’s second round, live broadcast of the Argentina vs. Mexico World Cup match delivered 1.6 million viewers 2+, which ranked as the highest rated broadcast ever for the demo and among all key Adult demos.

This single game on Univision also delivered more Adult 18-49 viewers than the combined audience of ABC’s, UPN’s and FOX’s sporting broadcasts that day — Germany vs. Sweden match, Angels vs. Diamondbacks, the A’s vs. Giants and PGA Golf.

In addition to being the top rated sporting event of the day, the match was also the third highest rated sporting event of the year, behind KABC-TV’s Super Bowl XL (1,743,000) and the Rose Bowl (1,458,000). Among Adults 18-49, it scored the highest ratings ever, beating out the average of the 2006 NBA Finals on KABC-TV and the 2005 Major League Baseball World Series in KTTV-TV.

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