Allianz Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Youth Award Winners.

Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America announced a new financial literacy program for the recipients of the Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards and their families. As an official sponsor of the Hispanic Heritage Foundation, Allianz will offer free bilingual financial seminars to the winners, their families and friends. The seminars will cover the basic principles of saving and investing and provide tools to make knowledgeable financial decisions.

“Allianz is proud to be able to help provide financial tools and resources to this year’s Hispanic Heritage Youth Award winners and their families to help them plan for a sound financial future,” said Rafael Gutierrez, director of Multicultural Markets – Hispanic Division for Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America. “We know that these young award recipients are leaders in their communities and if we provide them with the right financial knowledge, they could become mentors for their friends and families.”

The seminars will be taught by qualified bilingual financial planners in group sessions and will include topics such as: how to start planning for post-secondary education, investment basics, debt management, insurance options, long-term savings, and retirement. The seminars will be offered in 12 major Hispanic markets including: Philadelphia, Washington D.C., New York, Phoenix, Miami, San Antonio, Dallas, Houston, San Diego, Los Angeles, Stanford (CA), and Chicago.

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