Oxxo Films Releases Film Collection.

Oxxo Films has released its much-anticipated film, “Esperanza,” in DVD format. This title is the fourth installment of the film collection promoting Latina women entitled, “Confessions of Latina Women.” The “Esperanza” film release comes on the heels of the award winning film, “Teresa.” Recently, “Teresa” garnered a high Nielson rating in the Los Angeles DMA.

Management was not satisfied with the final version of the film and held up the release date pending several post-production changes which included the addition of English subtitles. These changes will help promote a crossover to English-speaking viewers especially second and third generation Latinos. “The film has broad audience appeal and our goal is to reach all Latino segments including those who do not speak Spanish but want to remain connected to their culture” states Adam M. Valdez, CEO for Oxxo Films.

The Latino market is no longer a niche market and deserves mainstream treatment. Latinos living in the United States use English and observe American traditions. Yet, newly arrived immigrants and first generation Latinos inject new energy into the use of Spanish and Latino traditions. Latinos of all generations share a unique heritage and must strive to preserve their identity through language, food and entertainment. Oxxo Films plans to help in this effort with programming aimed to include those Latinos wanting to identify with their cultural roots.

“Esperanza” is a poignant film about two women with the same name. Each woman represents a different segment of society and the conditions and choices in which they lead their lives. The escalating social problems in Mexico serve as the backdrop for this film and the theme of the film’s message. “Esperanza” in Spanish signifies hope and the film deals with each woman’s hope for freedom and deliverance from life’s social injustices. The film contains some violence and erotic scenes and is intended for mature audiences only.

Oxxo Films has commenced the development of its next project, “Alma” which is the next installment of the collection. A novelty of the collection is that each individual film title is styled after a Latina’s name. “With the success of each film in the collection, we increase our film making efforts to keep our current audience entertained and to attract more viewers. We want this film to be more successful then its predecessor,” adds its CEO.

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