FIT Offers Creative Courses in US Hispanic Advertising.

The Enterprise Center of the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) – a State University of New York (SUNY) – announced a new course designed for advertising to the Hispanic market. “Advertising to the US Hispanic Market” will be offered on Saturdays at the college, located in NYC, as an eight-week intensive program beginning March 4th and running through May 13th. The class instructor is Marcus Jiménez, Creative Director of Velocidad, the Hispanic marketing and promotions division of The Integer Group, an Omnicom Company.

The course will run on Saturdays as a three-hour studio session that includes guest speakers sharing their insights on print, radio and television development for the US Hispanic market. “Advertising to the US Hispanic Market” is designed to help working advertising professionals, entrepreneurs and those interested in career opportunities in the US Hispanic advertising industry. Creative exercises will sharpen participants’ strategic acumen and enhance their portfolios. The course is non-credit and registration is open to everyone.

“This course offered at FIT as part of an ongoing program is a tremendous step forward for the entire US Hispanic communications industry. It’s not your typical one-day seminar that only provides an industry overview. It is an intense, hands-on course” said Marcus Jiménez, instructor and author of the courses.

“This program will also benefit agencies that up until now have had to look abroad for talent. The learning curve for international talent adapting to the US Hispanic market can be steep. This course aims at providing agencies an additional source of experienced talent,” added Mr. Jimenez.

Topics to be covered include a historical perspective of the US Hispanic communications industry, market segmentation and its impact on national vs. regional executions, US Hispanic media consumption, the impact that assimilation and/or acculturation has on the creative process and the ethical side of US Hispanic advertising.

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