Sports Mobile Website Visitors Vary Dramatically From Site to Site.

Telephia reports that the demographic audience for Sports mobile websites vary significantly from one website to another. Visitors to CNN-Sports Illustrated were two times more likely to be African-American when compared to all Sports website visitors, while the CBS Sportsline audience was 2.4 times more likely to be Hispanic. The Yahoo! Sports audience indexed higher for both African-American visitors (146) and Hispanics (171). ESPN, the most visited sports site by mobile users, reported an index number of 104 for Caucasian visitors, 57 for African-American visitors, and 118 and 110 for Asian/Pacific Islander and Hispanic visitors, respectively.

“Website brand recognition and sports content coverage drives appeal within one reader segment versus another, and clearly different sites have developed unique ethnic readership profiles,” said Kanishka Agarwal, Vice President of New Products, Telephia. “Carriers and content owners have long recognized that sports fans have a strong interest in mobile content applications that allow them to follow their teams while they are on the go. To further develop their offerings marketers will need detailed understanding of their current and potential audiences.”

“The industry is now seeing the value of mobile sports-related content, as validated by recent partnerships between the carriers with both the college and professional football and basketball leagues,” added Agarwal. “Companies that can tap into this group effectively have the potential to cultivate long-lasting customer relationships with a very loyal audience.”

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