Oxxo Films Launches Provocative Film Collection.

Nothing succinctly defines Oxxo’s provocative film collection other than the word, “Caliente.” Indeed, when the decision was made to develop and produce the series “Confessions of Latina Women” the thought was to introduce the social problems affecting Mexican society through the eyes and experiences of its women. “By adding to these problems the themes of sexuality and of taboo subjects we immediately created a film collection that is in high demand, tantalizing and thought provoking for our viewing public,” says Adam Valdez, Oxxo’s Chief Executive Officer. Oxxo Films is currently enjoying the visibility the collection has brought forth.

“Esperanza” the fourth volume of this series is scheduled for release mid-October. The film deals with the escalating social problems in Mexico. The world has not changed; Mexico’s history has been the same for decades. In war, children are the innocent victims. In society, women are the victims. This fact is denied in most social circles but in daily life it is an inevitable reality.

“Esperanza” is a story of two women from different social backgrounds. Both are victims of social violence. Both women are named “Hope.” Which of the women suffers more? This is not relevant. The truth is that neither should be a victim.

The first three releases of this important collection—Isela, Silvia, and Teresa have been well received. Teresa was recently awarded the best drama/erotica movie for 2004. All titles are classified in the drama genre and are intended only for mature audiences.

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