VOY Pictures International Film Lab Contest.

VOY Pictures announced the establishment of the VOY Pictures Film Lab whose mission is to foster exceptional Latino talent across a variety of film disciplines. The first annual competition will focus on screenwriting and will provide undiscovered screenwriters with guidance and professional opportunities. The winning screenplay will be awarded $5,000 and optioned by VOY Pictures.

VOY Pictures’ recent film debut, FAVELA RISING, which won the much-coveted “Emerging Documentary Filmmaker Award” at the Tribeca Film Festival in April and the award for “Best Documentary” at Honolulu’s Cinema Paradise Film Festival in June, will be screened tonight at the New York International Latino Film Festival.

“VOY Pictures’ mission is to create and deliver entertainment that is culturally relevant and empowering to today’s ‘new generation’ of Latinos and those discovering Latin culture,” said Fernando Espuelas, Chairman and CEO of VOY.

Lourdes Diaz, President of VOY Pictures added, “With the VOY Pictures Film Lab, we will help develop and empower promising Latino screenwriters from all over the world – while providing them with insights into the trade, further develop their talent, and create an outlet to tell their stories to a diverse audience.”

VOY Pictures will fly the five finalists to Los Angeles for a week-long special Film Lab program during which each finalist will have one-on-one meetings with industry professionals in order to discuss their script for further development. At the end of the Lab, each finalist will have a period of six weeks to rework their script and resubmit the revised draft. VOY
Pictures will then choose the grand prize winner which will be announced on July 1, 2006. The winner will receive a cash award of $5000 as an option for the screenplay.

Screenwriters are asked to submit an original synopsis of a full-length feature film script, and their resume along with a completed VOY Pictures Film Lab application. VOY Pictures Film Lab applications and additional information will be available online at http://www.voyfilmlab.com. The deadline for receipt of applications is October 1, 2005.


Q: Who is eligible for the competition?

A: To qualify, entrants must be of Latin/Hispanic origin. Origin can
be considered as the heritage, nationality group, lineage, or country of birth
of the person or the person’s parents or ancestors and may be of any race. No
applicant may have earned money or other consideration as a screenwriter for
theatrical films or television, or for the sale of, or sale of an option to,
any original story, treatment, screenplay or teleplay for more than $5,000.00
USD in a single sale. Applicants may not have received a screenwriting
fellowship or prize that includes a “first look” clause, an option or any
other quid pro quo involving the writer’s work.

Q: Can Latinos anywhere apply to the competition?

A: Yes, regardless of geography, applications and submissions will be
taken from around the world as part of the VOY Pictures Film Lab competitions.
The goal is to foster Latino talent across film making disciplines, with the
first annual competition focusing on screenwriting.

Q: What do the finalists get?

A: VOY Pictures will invite five finalists for an all-expense paid five-
day VOY Pictures Film Lab instructional/professional opportunity in Los
Angeles, California. During the Lab, each finalist will have special, one-on-
one meetings with industry professionals in order to discuss their script for
further development. At the end of the Lab, each finalist will have a period
of six weeks to rewrite their script. VOY Pictures will choose the grand
prize winner from these resubmissions.

Q: Does the grand prize winner win more than just the $5,000 cash prize?

A: Yes, the $5,000 is an option for the winning screenplay, not the
purchase price. If VOY Pictures exercises the purchase option, it will be at
least 3% of the budget of the film.

Q: What does VOY Pictures get out of the Film Lab competitions?

A: VOY Pictures’ mission from the Film Lab competitions is to, first and
foremost, nurture and develop excellence in film and filmmaking. The
screenwriting competition, has been created to foster exceptional Latino
screenwriting, and provide undiscovered screenwriters with guidance and
professional opportunities. VOY Pictures is focused on delivering
entertainment that is culturally relevant and empowering to today’s “new
generation” of Latinos and those discovering Latin culture.

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