Daisy Exposito sighting ….. in Las Vegas.

For someone apparently away from the business, advertising icon Daisy Exposito-Ulla keeps herself pretty busy. As Ad Age recently put it, the former leader of the Bravo Group – who shook the industry with her resignation last November – has kept herself involved with advertising organizations and participating in major marketing events.

Most recent sighting?

In Las Vegas, Nevada where she was invited to speak to the corporate executives and General Managers of Entravision Communications’ radio, television and outdoor divisions.

Armando Macedo of Macedo Advertising and Jesse Bold of La Gente de RLR also exchanged ideas, strategies and future industry trends with the Entravision Communications executives.

“We had a remarkable opportunity to share thoughts and insights with in a group forum with industry leaders and experts. We really enjoyed our conversations with Daisy, Armando, Jesse and feel that the discussions will only strengthen our Entravision’s partnerships with all of our agencies and clients as a results”, stated Jeff Liberman – President of Entravision Radio.


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