Univision News Scholarships.

Two outstanding Hispanic students have been chosen this year to receive scholarships from the María Elena Salinas Scholarship for Excellence in Spanish-language News Media program, founded by award-winning journalist and Noticiero Univision co-anchor Maria Elena Salinas in 2002. Every year, Salinas donates a total of $5,000, amount which is matched by Univision News. In addition to receiving the $5,000 scholarship, each student has the opportunity to intern at the Univision Network news department or one of the Network’s owned and operated stations. The scholarships are awarded through the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ), of which both recipients are members.

This year’s winners are:

Dulce Juárez, a 19 year-old graduate from Camelback High School in Phoenix, Arizona. This fall, Juárez will be a freshman at Arizona State University, where she will major in Broadcasting and minor in Public Relations. The gifted student is determined to be a journalist and has the skills to accomplish her goals. “I’m very excited about the fabulous opportunity I’ve been given, and look forward to exploring the many areas that the television industry has to offer, within the nation’s leading Hispanic network,” said Juárez. This is the first time the scholarship is awarded to a high school student.

Hector Paniagua Morales from Grand Junction, Colorado, who is the first member of his family to attend college. Currently a sophomore at Mesa State University, Morales is pursuing a BA in Broadcasting/Fine and Performing Arts/Graphic Arts. At 25, he has accomplished much more than he ever imagined possible. “Getting this far has been very difficult, but thanks to María Elena Salinas, Univision and the NAHJ, I will be able to continue my education,” expressed Morales.

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