Nielsen Summer Program @ New York University.

College graduates interested in the television industry can gain marketable skills and hands-on experience through a unique media research class offered at New York University’s School of Professional and Continuing Education Studies. Now in its second year, the six week Nielsen Television Research program culminates in a Certificate in TV Audience Measurement and has resulted in job offers for program graduates at major broadcast networks. Registration is now open for the class that begins June 5, 2005.

“As spring semester draws to a close, graduating students are looking for opportunities that will lead to rewarding career paths,” notes Professor Richard Zackon, who teaches the specialized course. “There’s a growing demand in the television industry for competent entry level researchers who possess the skills to analyze audience data and assess the impact of changing viewing patterns. The Nielsen curriculum combines intensive training, using real TV ratings information, with internships at some of the world’s most highly regarded media organizations to qualify students for positions in research departments.” Zackon’s students have gone on to full time jobs at companies including ABC, the WB, and Nielsen Media Research.

Through class work, including guest lectures by industry professionals, and a 100 hour internship, students of the Nielsen Television Research program learn:

” The basic structure and processes of TV programming and advertising industries
” The technical jargon of TV advertising sales, media buying, planning and research
” The fundamental principles of social survey research
” The methodology used by Nielsen Media Research to produce TV ratings
” The primary data and software products used to analyze TV audience viewing
” The elements of effective research charting and presentations.

“Creative programming, technology developments and the emergence of new digital entertainment services have made this one of the most challenging and fascinating eras in television history,” according to Paul Donato, Chief Research Officer of Nielsen Media Research. “Well-trained media researchers offer critical competence to local stations and national networks that rely on audience research to make programming and promotional decisions that support sales of more than $60 million in television advertising in the U.S.”

For more information, or to register for the Nielsen Television Research Program at NYU’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies, call toll-free 888-998-7204 or visit

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