2nd Annual Latino Filmmaker Competition.

For the second year, HBO has teamed with The New York International Latino Film Festival (NYILFF) to find the next hot Latino Filmmaker. The winner of the Latino Filmmaker Competition, sponsored by HBO, will receive $15,000 in funding to produce and direct an original short film narrative based on their entry. The winning film will be presented on-screen this summer during the 2005 New York International Latino Film Festival in July.

“HBO shares our commitment to support and showcase emerging Latino filmmakers,” said Calixto Chinchilla, founder and executive director of NYILFF. “Through this film competition, we are able to find fresh talent and provide them the unique opportunity to realize a project from beginning to end. Based on the exceptionally positive reception last year’s winner received, we expect even more exciting script entries for this year’s competition.”

Call for Entries

The details for the competition are as follows:

* Competition is open to U.S. and international entrants 18 years or older
* Original scripts must be written in English by a person of Latino decent or focus on the Latino experience
* Entrants should submit completed scripts for a narrative short film (maximum 5 minutes long), plus a filmmaker reel or previously produced short postmarked by May 6, 2005 to NYILFF, c/o HBO SHORT FILM CONTEST, P.O. Box 72 New York, NY 10023
* Entries must have had no previous television or internet exhibition,
have not won awards at any other festival and must not have previously been submitted to the Latino Filmmaker Competition
* Winner to be announced on or about June 3, 2005
* HBO to receive final cut of winning film by July 15, 2005
* Finished short film to premiere at NYILFF’s 2005 opening night and will be presented before every 2005 NYILFF feature screening
* Submissions forms can be downloaded from the NYILFF website, http://www.nylatinofilm.com

“We’ve long been known for our innovative and creative programming, and one of the ways we’ve achieved this success is by finding fresh voices and stories that speak to our culturally diverse audience,” said Olivia Smashum, executive vice president, affiliate marketing at HBO. “That is why we’re committed to supporting the festival’ s efforts in developing and promoting Latino talent and in partnering with them in the Latino Filmmaker Competition.”

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