DVD En Español 2: The Second Annual Latino Home Entertainment Conference.

As Latinos continue to grow in both numbers and economic clout, Home MMedia Retailing magazine (formerly Video Store Magazine) for the second consecutive year will present an exclusive one-day conference on the Spanish-speaking home entertainment market.

DVD En Espanol 2: The Second Annual Latino Home Entertainment Conference, produced in cooperation with DEG: The Digital Entertainment Group and The Hollywood Reporter, will be held Tuesday, April 5, 2005, at the Wyndham Bel Age Hotel in West Hollywood, Calif.

The event will examine critical issues and trends in this booming market, with three panel discussions, a retailer workshop, a product showcase luncheon and a special celebrity guest speaker. New this year is a DVD En Espanol Awards Ceremony, honoring the best releases and marketing campaigns in the Spanish-language marketplace.

Executive Producer Thomas K. Arnold, Home Media Retailing’s associate publisher, said he expects more than 300 attendees, including top executives with major Hollywood studios; key Spanish-language video suppliers and importers; major retailers; and other industry leaders.

According to The Conference Board, Latino households across the United States are becoming increasingly important to this nation’s economy. Over the next 5 years, the number of Latino households is expected to jump from 10 million to 13.5 million, controlling $670 billion in personal income. This enormous spending power is expected to lead to sharp gains in home entertainment spending, with Latinos consistently outpacing the rest of the population in both entertainment spending and DVD adoption.

“We’re a multicultural nation, and there’s a lot more the entertainment industry can do to reach out to what many see as an underserved market,” Arnold said.

For more information at http://www.dvdconferences.com

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