The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Seminar For Corporate Marketers.

Connecting with the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) consumer continues to be a high priority interest with corporate marketers from all industries. To meet this demand, The National LGBT Business Convention will host one of the only LGBT marketing programs available. Presented by leading advertising professionals, The National LGBT Business Convention will be held at the Los Angeles Marriott on Monday, November 8, 2004.

According to a recent study by Witeck-Combs Communications and Market, the Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual population in the U.S. has a purchasing power of more than $485 billion in 2003, up from $451 billion in the previous year. The same analysis also conservatively benchmarked 10-14 million individuals or 6 to 7 percent of the U.S. population to be Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual.

The marketing seminar will be presented by experts from leading LGBT advertising agencies including Witeck-Combs Communications, MergeMedia and Double Platinum. Attendees will obtain best practices on how to build sound strategies to impact their brand on this very brand-loyal market. This program will be separate from the regular convention activities but include joint events allowing attendees the opportunity to network with other corporate marketing executives as well as LGBT business professionals.

“Advertising tailored to the GLBT consumer is one of the most important elements of a successful integrated campaign targeting GLBT adults. Echelon’s conference will help companies who are interested in pursuing the GLBT market by providing actionable information as well as options for strategy and implementation,” said John Butler, Senior Marketing and Communications Strategist, Witeck-Combs Communications, Inc., the nation’s leading GLBT strategic marketing communications firm.

The National LGBT Business Convention is a one day forum created to empower the LGBT business professional. The convention includes speakers from leading organizations; The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, Human Right’s Campaign’s Work-Net and Out & Equal Workplace Advocates. The days activities include a business expo, informative workshops, inspiring speakers and a networking reception.

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