Guy Garcia To Keynote AHAA’s Semi-Annual Conference In New York.

Guy Garcia, a novelist, former Time magazine staff writer and Internet entrepreneur, will address more than 500 Hispanic advertising experts on Thursday, Sept. 30, at 9:30 a.m. to kick-off the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies (AHAA) 17th semi-annual conference.

Garcia, award-winning journalist and author of the new book, The New Mainstream: How the Multicultural Consumer is Transforming American Business, will discuss how the new multicultural make-up of America is poised to revolutionize business, commerce, politics, education and entertainment during his keynote address at the AHAA semi-annual conference.

AHAA’s 17th semi-annual conference, “Be Open Minded,” will include two full days of workshops, discussions and roundtables designed to challenge conventional thinking about how to reach the cultural, linguistic and ethnic diversity of Hispanic consumers.

Other conference sessions and events include:

– What’s Hispanic Creative About It? Answers that Change Questions 

– Thursday, Sept. 30, 10:45 a.m.  This roundtable discussion explores perceptions of Hispanic creative and considers the need to produce advertising that is “overtly Hispanic.”

– Brand (New) Planning  Thursday, Sept. 30, 3:00 p.m.  Planning and creative minds come together to discuss the divide between research and planning and the demand for strategic thinking in Hispanic advertising.

– Be Open Minded  Friday, Oct. 1, 9:30 a.m.  An open forum on how the Hispanic advertising industry is poised to be the ultimate authority on reaching the full spectrum of multi-lingual, multi-generational, multi-ethnic Hispanic consumers.

– 6th Annual AdAge Hispanic Creative Advertising Awards  Friday, Oct. 1, 6:30 p.m.  The awards gala will honor the best Hispanic-targeted advertising across television, magazine, newspaper, radio, interactive and out-of-home mediums and for best overall campaigns.

The complete conference agenda is available online at

About AHAA
The Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies ( is the national organization of firms that specialize in marketing to the nation’s 40 million Hispanic consumers, the most rapidly growing segment of the American population. AHAA promotes the strength of the Hispanic marketing and advertising industry to the private and public sectors.

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