Rayo Publishing Expands Program.

HarperCollins Publishers announced the expansion of its very successful Rayo imprint, which publishes books for and about Hispanics in the U.S. in both English and Spanish. The imprint will now publish more than 75 titles a year. Rene Alegria, who has been promoted to Publisher and Editorial Director, will lead the imprint.

Rayo, whose eclectic publishing list has included titles in both non-fiction and fiction since the imprint was launched in 2000, will expand to include more bilingual children’s books, spiritual, self-help and general reference titles.

“In just a few short years, Rayo has become recognized in the media as the #1 publisher in the Latino market,” said Jane Friedman, President and CEO of HarperCollins Publishers. “I have long recognized the enormous potential of the Latino market and I am thrilled by what we have accomplished thanks to Rene’s guidance and vision, and look forward to maximizing the leadership position we’ve established.”

“Rayo started as a niche publishing program, but has quickly become much more the mainstream,” said Brian Murray, HarperCollins Group President. “Our customers are now clamoring for greater scope in both Latino content and Spanish language publishing. We’re very happy to adapt to meet the needs of what is clearly a very dynamic market.”

Alegria came to HarperCollins as a Managing Editor in 1999. Soon after, his vision for a program where the creative voice and experience of the contemporary U.S. Latino would be published to its full potential meshed with Friedman’s passion for pursuing this market. In 2000, Rayo was created, and Alegria was named Editorial Director. With bilingual creative marketing and specialized publicity campaigns, along with the literary talent inherent within the Latino community, Rayo has flourished. Rayo has published more than 100 titles, including the works of such Latino authors as Victor Villasenor, Jorge Ramos, Luis Rodriguez, Lynda Sandoval, Guy Garcia, Joe Loya, Michael Jaime-Becerra, Ilan Stavans, Alberto Fuguet, Yxta Maya Murray, Celia Cruz, the Spanish-language editions of Isabel Allende and Paulo Coelho’s novels, and upcoming works from Ernesto Quinonez, Edgardo Vega Yunque and Maria Antonieta Collins. In May, Rayo was awarded an impressive 9 awards at the Latino Book Awa! rds.

“With Rayo, we have been able to impact how Hispanics in America are perceived, both as a literary community and as a fully integrated portion within American society,” said Alegria. “Our goal in this next phase is to take Rayo to the next level by adding a greater depth and expertise to our team.”

As part of Rayo’s expansion, Alegria has made the following appointments:

Raymond Garcia has been named to the new position of Associate Publisher of Rayo, reporting to Alegria. Garcia comes to HarperCollins from REG/strategic innovations, a fully integrated branding and design company, where he served as President. Specializing in marketing strategy, business development, and interactive and print design, Garcia has helped his clients build and leverage brand equity to increase awareness and revenue. Some notable achievements include creating the first interactive multicultural campaign for TIME magazine and acquiring the worldwide rights to the Celia Cruz brand, building it into a multi-faceted merchandising property. Prior to his work at REG/strategic innovations, Garcia worked for Favra & Raffle, an advertising agency specializing in high fashion and luxury brands. He also created business and marketing plans for start-ups seeking funding throughout the United States and Latin America, including Geriatrix, MedEx, and MedicoUno. Garcia will joi! n Rayo on September 20th, reporting to Alegria. Jean Marie Kelly will continue in her role as Group Marketing Director, reporting to Garcia for her work on behalf of Rayo.

Andrea Montejo has been promoted to Editor. She joined HarperCollins as Rayo’s Editorial Assistant in 2001 and has played a vital role in Rayo’s growth by successfully coordinating the translation and publication of many of Rayo’s more successful titles. Among the titles Andrea has edited are the Spanish-language publication of the recent Celia Cruz Autobiography, the upcoming novel El Fuego de Chango by Ernesto Quinonez, the 100 Simple Secrets series by David Niven into Spanish, as well as Border-Line Personalities: A New Generation of Latinas Dish On Sex, Sass, and Cultural Shifting and the upcoming non-fiction title Girl Trouble.

Clara La Rosa will join Rayo as Editor on September 20th. La Rosa began her publishing career as an Editor at Forbes Custom Book Publishing, where she oversaw the editorial content and production of books tailored specifically for the Academic Market. After a few years with Forbes, La Rosa decided to blend her Hispanic identity with her editorial talents, working for several years as a freelance copyeditor and notable translator of books and magazine articles from English to Spanish and vice versa. In that time she worked for a variety of publications including Latina, where she was a copyeditor, Soloella.com, where she was the Spanish-Language Managing Editor, and POZ Magazine, where she was the principle Copy Editor/Translator of content. Both Montejo and La Rosa will report to Garcia.

Michelle Dominguez came to HarperCollins in August as a Senior Publicist dedicated to Rayo. Prior to her position with Rayo, Dominguez worked for five years at Univision, the largest Spanish-language media conglomerate in the United States, as Translator and Executive Assistant to the VP/General Manager. She reports to Jill Bernstein, Publicity Director for Ecco, Fourth Estate and Rayo.

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