Cingular Wireless Empowers Young Americans To Enter The Political Fray.

Calling all young voters! Cingular Wireless is giving America’s youth a voice in the political process during the 2004 Presidential Election. Through morning “wake-up calls” from top celebrities to election-related contests and text messaging (SMS) surveys, Cingular is launching its first major initiative to drive young Americans to the polls through the wireless technology this audience uses everyday.

The multi-pronged grassroots campaign is aimed at driving voter registration, participation and issue education, and includes partnerships with MTV’s “Choose or Lose 2004” programming; Comedy Central and its “Indecision 2004” programming; and Motorola through its “Rock The Vote” initiatives.

With its partners, Cingular will have the unique capabilities and immediacy of wireless to:
– Help young voters send and receive messages to encourage voter registration
– Receive election news and updates from relevant news sources and celebrities
– Learn about candidates’ positions on particular issues, and
– Participate in and receive the results of wide-ranging political polls.

Young Americans can also check out the Cingular Election Headquarters on its new youth portal at to learn more about Cingular’s partnerships and ways to get involved in this year’s Presidential election.

“Cingular is excited to help young voters get more involved in the 2004 Presidential Election, and ultimately, exercise their right to vote,” said Marc Lefar, Chief Marketing Officer of Cingular Wireless. “We are satisfied that we have found ways to use wireless technology in educating and engaging young Americans in the democratic process.”

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