Worldwide Bilingual Broadband Coverage Of National Association of Broadcasters Convention.

The National Association of Broadcasters announced that Latino Entertainment & Television (LEAtv), a Broadband Content Development and Delivery company located in California had been selected as the Official Latino Broadband Web cast producer for the NAB 2004 venue coverage. The Bilingual (Spanish and English) Web cast coverage will feature News, Interviews, and Exhibitor Showcases from the show floor and associated meeting locations. The highlights will consist of interviews and panel discussions among industry Experts and Leaders as well as featuring Latino Exhibitors from the show. On line viewers and show participants will be able to post questions to those being interviewed as well as participate in the interactive forum. Interactive features and video capabilities make this a truly innovative experience, allowing participation from the Show Floor as well as to the online audience around the world.

Al Dominguez, Executive Producer and CEO of LEAtv stated, “We are excited to be have been selected as the first Official Latino producer of an event of the magnitude and prestige of NAB 2004 and are anxious to bring this News and Information to the growing Latino audience”. “This is the future now and the type of interactive experience Latino viewers want to participate in and connect with.”

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