SportsYa Content Supplier For Yahoo! en Español

SportsYa signed an agreement with Yahoo! en español, a leading Internet service, for the sports section of its Spanish portal.

Yahoo! en español will publish daily information from SportsYa, with broad coverage of sporting news, especially Mexican sports. The millions of Yahoo! en español readers will also be able to enjoy comments from the well-known sports journalist Andrés Cantor through his column that is published twice a month.

According to Daniel Canel, President of SportsYa, “The agreement with Yahoo! en español constitutes a major step in fulfilling our mission as suppliers of sports content. In addition to reconfirming the high journalistic quality of SportsYa, it also reaffirms our commitment to offer the best in sports to millions of fans in the United States and Latin America. The re-launching of the portal with such innovations as the minute-by-minute soccer feature, will strengthen it as an essential tool for the dissemination of sports information”.

“Our goal is to provide all of the services and tools that our users want and are asking for”, said Pablo Azcurrain, product manager for Yahoo! en español. “The content of SportsYa with the commentaries of Andrés Cantor gives us an important key in maintaining a very much up-to-date and relevant sports section”, he pointed out.

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