NYU Offers Multicultural Marketing Class.

New York University’s (NYU) Center For Marketing will offer a multicultural marketing class entitled “Marketing to the New Majority: How to Reach the Multicultural Consumer,” in an intensive 1 ½ day format on Friday, April 16 from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm and Saturday, April 17 from 9:30 am – 1:30 pm. NYU recently added these new dates and the new class format due to the high interest in this course, which has also been offered on weekday evenings over five weeks. The class instructor is Lisa Skriloff, Adjunct Faculty member at NYU since 2001 and President of Multicultural Marketing Resources, Inc. (MMR), a public relations and marketing firm located in NYC.

To enroll now, visit:

http://www.scps.nyu.edu/departments/course.jsp?courseId=39458 and learn more about this class or call 212-998-7171

On both days of the class, guest speakers will share their expertise on different ethnic markets and discuss the most effective ways to reach these groups using traditional and innovative methods. Guest speakers include Saul Gitlin, EVP, Strategic Marketing Services / New Business, Kang & Lee Advertising; Valerie Graves most recently with The UniWorld Group; Rosemarie Fogarty, Information Services Specialist, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census; Mindy Figueroa, Project Director, Scholastic Entertainment; and Petra Pasquina, formerly Sr. Director, North America Brand Building, MasterCard International.

The class will provide an overview of multicultural market trends, and portions of the class will be devoted to a specific ethnic market (Hispanic, African-American, and Asian American) featuring guest presenters with expertise in each market. Other markets will also be addressed. Marketing methods to be covered include: advertising, public relations, direct marketing, events, community programs, online marketing, and other disciplines.

NYU classes are typically small with about 8-15 students who have been in the workforce for 2-10 years. Students who enroll will learn about resources to develop marketing strategies and how corporations, organizations and small business owners can tap into this $1 trillion+ market. The class is applicable to the certificate in Marketing or Business Management and eligible for tuition reimbursement. Upon completion of this class, students will receive a grade (based on attendance and completion of two assignments) from the instructor.

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