AOL Latino Launches ‘Tu Voz Es Tu Voto 2004’.

AOL Latino is launching a comprehensive area for its 2004 election coverage, Tu Voz Es Tu Voto 2004. Accessible through the Noticias channel, Spanish speaking members will get detailed information about the candidates and issues written from the Hispanic perspective from the primaries through election day.

“Our main objective is to empower Latinos to participate in the democratic process by providing non-biased information about all the candidates and the issues that impact the daily lives of U.S. Hispanics,” said Angelo Figueroa, Director, AOL Latino Programming. “Our team of writers are located throughout the country to ensure we provide the real Latino perspective on the issues that matter the most while always allowing our members the opportunity to voice their own opinions through our message boards and polls.”

Throughout the Tu Voz Es Tu Voto 2004 area, AOL Latino will run original features and a series of profiles of each candidate, offer direct participation from members through the opportunity to submit their questions directly to candidates, as well as providing information about registering to vote, message boards and poll areas. With coverage from the primaries, both political party conventions, state-to-state and the Presidential election races, AOL Latino will provide comprehensive coverage throughout the year.

Beyond its original reporting, AOL Latino will also utilize its relationships with key content partners including El Diario-La Prensa and La Opinión among others.

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