Asian Readers.

Magazine Publishers of America (MPA) has issued the Asian-American Market Profile, the third and final installment in a series of ethnic profiles that bring attention to the evolving U.S. marketplace. Each profile is a compendium of the latest research on lucrative demographic segments, to help publishers and advertisers understand the evolution of their customers, and how they buy products and services. The Hispanic/Latino and African-American/Black Market Profiles were published earlier this year.

The Asian-American Market Profile provides valuable information on the group’s magazine readership, including:

· Nearly eight out of 10 Asian-American adults read magazines.

· Asian-Americans read nine magazines per month, on average.

· Compared to the U.S. population, Asian-American magazine readers are more educated and have higher household incomes.

The Market Profiles address the impact of rapidly growing segments of the U.S. population, and offer research on a variety of topics such as market segmentation, population growth and trends, areas of geographic concentration, language preference, teen and youth markets, magazine readers and reading preferences, as well as top advertising categories, advertisers and agencies.

Click below to request printed copies of the Hispanic/Latino, African-American/Black and Asian-American Market Profiles:

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