Pérez-Feria – Editor @ People en Español.

People en Español’s new Editor Richard Pérez-Feria announced today strategic plans to revamp the six-year-old, Spanish-language monthly. Pérez-Feria will overhaul the monthly magazine — offering more celebrity and human-interest profiles, expanded fashion and beauty coverage, and an in-depth guide into the hottest trends in entertainment. With first-rate design and fashion-forward photography, the magazine’s makeover will provide readers and advertisers with a cleaner, updated and more consistent read. The complete re-launch, set to debut in its entirety in the August 2003 issue, will hit newsstands on Monday, July 7.

“People en Español is returning to the core values of the People brand — celebrity and human interest,” says Pérez-Feria. “Our goal is to provide readers with a monthly magazine that delivers the perfect blend of celebrity and real-life heroes.”

Under its new management, the magazine will incorporate new and updated sections along with old-time favorites. Mirame! or “Look at Me!” (formerly Entre Astros) opens the book with seven pages of celebrity-focused paparazzi shots. Picadillo now called Enterate or “Find Out About It” follows Mirame with four pages of star-studded gossip and behind-the-scenes happenings. The front of book closes with Disfrutalo or “Enjoy It,” an all-inclusive entertainment section highlighting the editors’ top picks in music, movies, books, and videos.

The middle section of the book will consist of the lead cover story, celebrity features and human-interest profiles, all of which will be less about reporting facts and more about telling rich, multi-dimensional stories.

The back of the book will be exclusively devoted to the expanded fashion and beauty coverage. Offering readers and advertisers a total of 30+ pages, the coverage will include the ultra-popular Mas x Menos or “More for Less” along with the brand new El Verdicto or “Fashion Police” and El Cambio or “Make Me Over” sections. Additionally, the pages will also feature Mejor Que Ayer or “Better than Yesterday,” Dia y Noche or “From Day to Night,” Ponte al Dia or “Know What’s Hot,” El Look or “Steal This Look and Adoro Mi or “I Love My.” Up-to-date beauty products and celebrity favorites will complete the section.

The magazine will close with 10 Preguntas or “10 Questions with.” an up close and personal celebrity profile feature.

People en Español may produce up to three separate monthly covers, one for current subscribers and the others for East & West Coast newsstand buyers. These covers will target the specific needs of each cultural demographic.

“My role at People en Español is to take the magazine to the next level, to build on its existing assets, and also to raise the bar in terms of look, content, and impact literally from cover to cover,” says Pérez-Feria.

In addition to the editorial revamp, the magazine will also receive significant creative upgrades.

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