SúperOnda Magazine Hunts For America’s Hottest Young Hispanics.

Hispanic Business Inc., publisher of SúperOndamagazine, announced the start of its first-ever SúperOnda SuperModel Search(TM), the ultimate summer experience! This unique event will run in conjunction with Collegiate Circuit’s 8th annual C’Fest Games on the beaches of Baja California in June.

The contest is made up of four phases spanning three months – summer vacation to back-to-school in the fall. The progression is outlined below.

Phase 1: Online

The contest officially begins on June 2 with an online registration process. Students from across the nation will post their photos and answer survey questions on SuperOnda.com. An online portfolio of contestants will be compiled, and contestants will then be rated by fellow students as their selection for the finalists at the C-Fest Games. Using those ratings and other criteria, SúperOnda’s judges will select the 20 lucky finalists who will be awarded free tickets to the
C’Fest Games in Baja California, Mexico.

Phase 2: Event

On Friday, June 20, the 20 finalists (10 men, 10 women) will gather at the C’Fest Games in Rosarito Beach to compete for the first-ever SúperOnda SuperModel title. A panel of judges will then select our two SúperOnda SuperModels – one male and one female. The after-contest party will include special prize packages for the lucky winners. The event will be filmed and video-streamed on SuperOnda.com.

Phase 3: Online & Event

On July 7, the two SúperOnda SuperModels will travel first-class to New York City for their SuperOnda NYC Experience Tour. This four-day whirlwind tour will include a complete make-over, a back-to-school wardrobe, and a photo shoot with a professional fashion photographer. Our winners will stay at the W Hotel in Times Square, dine at trendy eateries, and dance at the hottest clubs. All elements of this $25,000 package are included in the SúperOnda NYC Tour. The experience will be filmed and documented in photos and video-streamed on SuperOnda.com.

Phase 4: Print

The SúperOnda SuperModel event will culminate with the cover shot for SúperOnda magazine’s September issue. This issue will also feature a profile of our SúperOnda SuperModels and an article on their unique summer adventure.

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