Latina Style Magazine – Evaluating Best Companies For Hispanic Women.

Latina Style Magazine, a national magazine for the professional Hispanic working woman, announced that the 2003 LATINA Style 50 Survey is available on line at . The data collected from the surveys will be used to evaluate corporate America’s sensitivity to Latina’s needs and goals in the workplace. This annual national report of the top fifty companies providing the best professional opportunities for Latinas is the most respected evaluation of corporate America’s policies and practices as it pertains to Hispanic working women.

The companies that respond to Latina Style’s survey are evaluated based on the issues Latina Style readers have identified as most important to them in the workplace. The principal areas of evaluation were: Number of Latina Executives, Mentoring Programs, Women on Board of Directors, Educational Opportunities, Dependent/Child Care Support, Leave for Childbirth, Alternative Work Policies, Benefits, Women’s Issues, and Hispanic Relations.

The results of the study will be released in the 2003 July/August special edition of the magazine. These results are distributed to all members of Congress, the White House, members of the Cabinet, Hispanic professionals and civic organizations across the country as well as to all major Hispanic conferences, national women’s organizations, and over 2,000 colleges and universities.

Robert E. Bard, President and CEO of Latina Style Magazine, says, “As the only national Latina publication focusing on the needs and aspirations of the Latina working-woman, we have a duty to keep Hispanic women informed about corporate America’s best employment practices. By the latest count, Hispanic women in the U.S. work force exceed 5 million, and the numbers continue to rise. We will go to great lengths to evaluate these companies. Latinas can be confident that the Latina Style 50 – 2003 represents the best corporate America has to offer to the Latina working woman.”

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