Top Professions For Bilingual Hispanics.

Catalina magazine reveals the top professions for the nation’s bilinguals in its latest issue. In the story, “Top Professions for Bilinguals,” the top professions were chosen according to the additional opportunities available specifically for bilingual professionals.

After the research was conducted, and the results came in, one thing was clear: bilingual professionals are in demand across the country. Among the finding, the Catalina editorial staff found a shortage of bilinguals in a variety of industries, causing human resource directors from the private and public sectors to turn to Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries to fill the void. Instead of filling the void, the staff found that many of the nation’s bilingual professionals often do not use their second language at their workplace.

The following is Catalina 2003 list of the top professions for the nation’s bilinguals:

1 Media
2 Translation
3 Politics
4 Healthcare
5 Professional Speaking
6 Law
7 Real Estate
8 Mortgage Finance
9 Education
10 Sales

“Besides providing a list of top 10 professions for bilingual, we wanted to inform our bilingual readers that their extra language will definitely set them apart from the rest in the competitive workplace,” says Catalina Editorial Director Cathy Areu Jones. “As Hispanic bilingual professionals, we often forget how valuable our second language is.”

For a copy of the complete article, “Top Professions for Bilinguals,” Click below:

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