Rafael Tufiño: Painter of the People @ El Museo del Barrio.

Rafael Tufiño (b. Brooklyn, 1922) is one of the central figures in the history of 20th Century Puerto Rican art. A versatile artist in many media, Tufiño has been a major force in founding and furthering modern Puerto Rican art–both on the Island and in the Caribbean Diaspora. This landmark exhibition was organized by The Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, San Juan; and was curated by Dr. Teresa Tió, a prominent scholar of Puerto Rican art, and Director of the Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña. Rafael Tufiño: Painter of the People opens at El Museo del Barrio on March 14 and remains on view through August 24, 2003.

This comprehensive exhibition will feature more than 150 works including paintings, drawings, prints and posters. The works on view span a period of more than 65 years from the 1930s to the present. The exhibition will include works from his early period influenced by Mexican realism. In later works, he experiments with abstracting forms and exploring his remarkable sense of color.

Tufiño’s works depict life both in urban New York, and pre-industrial Puerto Rico. While the artist’s work often celebrates popular traditions, including folk artists, religious and secular festivals, Tufiño remains committed to fostering the appreciation of the Island’s African cultural contributions, especially as expressed in dance and music. Tufiño’s images have become a trademark of Puerto Rico’s rich cultural heritage.

The mission of El Museo del Barrio is to present and preserve the art and culture of Puerto Ricans and all Latin Americans in the United States.

For more information at http://www.lmuseo.org

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