Latino State Legislators To Address Key Education Issues Affecting The Latino Community.

The National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators (NHCSL) and the Center for Latino Educational Excellence (CLEE), an initiative of the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute (TRPI), the nation’s foremost institute on Latino issues, will conduct an NHCSL Education Symposium in Albuquerque to establish an action plan that addresses the education achievement gaps impacting Latino students in public schools across the country.

The NHCSL Education Symposium, February 7-9, is a working session to develop a new comprehensive policy paper to identify the obstacles to educational achievement for Latino students in grades K-12 and the interventions that must be employed in the nation’s public schools to dramatically increase educational achievement and attainment. Special attention will be given to transforming the current system through innovative solutions and programs.

The policy paper will be used as a blueprint to support action in selected state legislatures and will be presented at the 2nd National Summit of Hispanic State Legislators in Washington, DC, March 27-30, 2003.

“Hispanics are now the largest ethnic minority in the United States according to recently released population figures from the Census Bureau. Now more than ever it is critical that we as state legislators make education a top priority. The ability of our children to compete in the 21st century economy depends on it,” said Kansas State Senator and NHCSL President, Paul Feleciano.

“Education is the key to limiting poverty, increasing literacy, reducing welfare and medical costs. This education symposium will be a forum to discuss ways Latinos can close the education achievement gap that exists in our society and move towards more economic equality,” said New Mexico State Senator, Bernadette Sanchez.

“The educational crisis is a national crisis, not just a Hispanic one. This is the future work force of America,” said Dr. Harry Pachon, President of TRPI. “Likewise, it will be a national disaster if this generation’s potential is not fully developed.”

“This project represents a large challenge and an even bigger opportunity to make a difference,” said Lou Tornatzky, TRPI Vice President of Research and Director of CLEE.

The National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of state legislators across the nation, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Its mission is to organize, educate and focus the energies of nearly 300 Hispanics who comprise its membership in order to have a positive impact on their communities. NHCSL advocates for better housing, education, health care, and business opportunities in the private and public sectors for Hispanics nationwide.

Founded in 1985, the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute (TRPI) advances critical, insightful thinking on key issues affecting Latino communities through objective, policy-relevant research, and its implications, for the betterment of the nation.

NHCSL Education Symposium Registered State Legislators:

Representative Ben Miranda, Arizona
Assemblymember Marco Firebaugh, California
Representative Juan Candelaria, Connecticut
Representative Minnie Gonzalez, Connecticut
Representative Felipe Reinoso, Connecticut
Representative Joseph Miro, Delaware
Representative Bob Henriquez, Florida
Representative John Aguilera, Indiana
Senator Paul Feleciano, Kansas
Delegate Ana Sol Gutierrez, Maryland
Delegate Victor Ramirez, Maryland
Representative Carlos Mariani, Minnesota
Representative Mary Helen Garcia, New Mexico
Senator Mary Jane Garcia, New Mexico
Representative Rick Miera, New Mexico
Senator Bernadette Sanchez, New Mexico
Representative Felix Ortiz, New York
Representative Peter Rivera, New York
Senator Margarita Bey, Puerto Rico
Representative Jessica Farrar, Texas
Senator Mario V. Gallegos Jr., Texas
Representative Rick Noriega, Texas
Representative Dora Olivo, Texas
Senator Leticia Van de Putte, Texas
Representative Floyd Esquibel, Wyoming

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