Vanity Fair Magazine Columnist Slams Hispanics In The USA.

In the February 2003 Vanity Fair magazine column “Ask Dame Edna:” on page 116, a reader asks about the need to learn another language such as French or Italian or Spanish. The reader bases his question on that he has been told that in the next 10 years everyone will be speaking Spanish in the United States.

The Columnist Dame Edna answers the reader with a derogatory statement towards Hispanics, which first had to be approved for publishing by the editor of Vanity Fair.

Dame Edna stated that the Spanish language as a whole has no value. Additionally, that works of literary art such as Don Quixote and poets like Garcia Lorca are to far in between to be worth reading. Thus, making Spanish a language not worth learning. The columnist continues to berate Hispanics, by stating that the only ones that are speaking Spanish are gardeners using leaf blowers.

Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, but the editors of Vanity Fair should realize that they have many readers of Hispanic decent.

Their sensitivity to our culture, our importance to economic and political spheres in this country seems to go unnoticed by the management of Conde Nast, publishers of Vanity Fair.

I wonder how the employees at Conde Nast magazines of Hispanic, African-American or Asian decent feel about this column?

If you want to let the editor of Vanity Fair know how you feel, please write to them at:


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