Even After World Trade Center Attack – NY Still Where Most People Would Like to Live.

For the fourth year in a row, New York City is the most popular city where most people would like to live in or near if they were not currently living somewhere else. It may be a surprise that in spite of the events of September 11, 2001, and the destruction of the twin towers of the World Trade Center, the New York City area is still seen by so many people as a great place to live in or near.

San Francisco, the only other city to have held the number one slot (in 1998) in popularity over the last six years, retains the second place position. Third in popularity is Seattle, which has been in the top four every year since this question was first asked in 1997.

These are the results of The Harris Poll, a nationwide telephone survey conducted by Harris Interactive® with a sample of 1,010 adults from July 18 to 22, 2002.

Cities which have moved up the list

The biggest improvement is made by Orlando, up from twelfth place last year to number four now. Atlanta also moves up to fifth place from ninth place last year.

Other cities which move up the list, if only very modestly, are Chicago (from #7, to #6), Los Angeles (from #11 to #10), and Miami (from #13 to #11). Dallas, which did not make the top 15 last year comes in at number nine. Two other cities not listed last year also make the top 15 cut this year – Asheville, North Carolina (#13) and San Antonio, Texas (#14).

Cities which have slipped

Cities, which have lost popularity this year, include San Diego (from #2 to #8), Las Vegas (from #5 to #14), and Boston (from #7 to #12). Three other cities slip out of the top 15 list: Phoenix (from #10 last year), Houston and Charlotte (both from #13).

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