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Historic Poll Shows 81% Of Hispanic Voters Support California Wilderness Proposal.

The National Hispanic Environmental Council joined Congresswoman Hilda Solis (D-El Monte) to applaud her efforts to protect California’s remaining wild places through the California Wild Heritage Act of 2002 – a proposal supported
by 81% of our state’s Hispanic voters, according to the fist ever Wilderness public opinion survey conducted exclusively within the Hispanic community.

“California Latinos believe they have a responsibility to be good stewards of the environment,” said Ed Navarro, NHEC Los Angeles Board Member, and steering committee member of the California Wild Heritage Campaign. “Protecting Wilderness is a part of this ethic to ensure that our children and grandchildren are able to experience what we enjoy today.

The survey, conducted in May of 2002 by Bendixen and Associates on behalf of NHEC and the California Wild Heritage Campaign, interviewed 500 likely Hispanic voters in English and Spanish, and has a 4% margin of error.

‘We commend Congresswoman Solis for her efforts to protect the amazing wild lands and rivers that are a major source of California’s clean drinking water – and an important part of our natural heritage,” said Roger Rivera, President and Founder of the NHEC.

The California Wild Heritage Act of 2002 was introduced as two bills: Congresswoman Solis introducing the Southern California bill (H.R. 4947) and Congressman Mike Thompson introducing the Northern California bill (H.R. 4948). This legislation is the House version to Senator Barbara Boxer’s (S. 2535).

NHEC is a national, non-profit, membership-based organization which seeks to educate and engage the Hispanic community on environmental, natural resources and sustainable development issues. NHEC is the only national Latino organization working exclusively on the environment. NHEC is a member of the California Wild Heritage Campaign – a statewide coalition working to protect California’s remaining wild lands and free-flowing rivers.