Upfront Day 3: People en Español 25 Most Beautiful People.

Latin singing sensations Paulina Rubio, the New Miami Sound Machine and Tito Nieves were part of People en Español’s 5th anniversary celebration last night at the Ace Gallery in New York City. The # 1 selling U.S. Hispanic magazine transformed its best-selling issue, the “25 Most Beautiful,” into a star-studded event featuring some of today’s most beautiful and talented Hispanic entertainers and performers. Maria Celeste Arraras, Telemundo’s newest on-air anchor and NBC correspondent, hosted the event.

” ‘The 25 Most Beautiful’ issue is our best-selling issue and this year we wanted to bring it to life,” says Lisa Quiroz, publisher of People en Español. “We’re thrilled that top performers and major advertisers jumped at the opportunity to be part of this first-ever event.”

“The Hispanic Scholarship Fund’s goal is to strengthen America by advancing the college education of Hispanic Americans,” says Sara
Martinez Tucker, president & CEO of The Hispanic Scholarship Fund. “Teaming up with People en Español further emphasizes a shared vision of inspiring students to attain a college ducation. We are honored with the generous donation and the lasting relationship we have established.” The “25 Most Beautiful” issue hit newsstands on Monday, May 13, and revealed the magazine’s most anticipated list of rising Latino actors, musicians and athletes who are not only known for their stellar good looks but also for their extraordinary talent and charisma. The annual list provides an in-depth look into the lives and minds of today’s Latin talent.

Gracing this year’s cover is Mexican singing sensation Paulina Rubio who is expected to take America by storm when her first English language album, Border Girl, debuts this June.

Topping this year’s “25 Most Beautiful” list are:

Ilia Calderon – Colombian TV news anchor, Telemundo

Willy Chirino –Cuban music composer and singer

Guy Ecker – Mexican soap star, Televisa, “Salome”

Lili Estefan -TV host, Univision, “El Gordo y la Flaca”

Gael Garcia — Mexican actor, “Y Tu Mama Tambien”

Jeff Garcia – Athlete, San Francisco 49er’s

Javier Gomez -Argentine actor, Telemundo, “Pedro el Esca Moso”

Enrique Iglesias – Grammy award winning Spanish singer

La India — Salsa singer

Saúl Lisazo – Argentine soap star, Televisa

Mario Lopez — TV host, NBC, “The Other Half”

Karla Martinez -TV host, Univision, “Control”

Esai Morales – TV actor, ABC, “NYPD Blue” and PBS, “American Family”

Lizette Morelos- Mexican actress and singer

Alex Pires — Brazilian singer

Priscila – Mexican singer

Carlos Ponce — Actor and singer

Yamilla Diaz-Rahi – Model, Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover

Jamie Lynn Sigler – TV actress, HBO, “The Sopranos”

Thalia – Mexican actress and

Olga Tañon – Grammy winning Puerto Rican singer

Sophia Vergara -Columbian TV personality and film actress

Roselyn Sanchez – Puerto Rican TV and film actress, Rush Hour 2

The New Miami Sound Machine -singing trio, produced by Cresent Moon and Emilio Estefan

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