Children Quakin’?

For most Californians, earthquakes are a fact of life. But for children, a quake can be traumatic, especially if they have never experienced one before.

To help children cope with and better prepare for earthquakes, the Insurance Information Network of California has published the Earthquake Preparedness Activity Book.

Available in English and Spanish, the activity book includes creative puzzles, coloring scenes and family activities so children can have fun learning important earthquake safety facts. The activity book also includes tips for taking special care of pets during and after an earthquake as well as instructions for creating an emergency list to help families separated in a disaster identify emergency contacts and family meeting spots.

“It’s been more than eight years since the Northridge earthquake and almost 13 years since the Loma Prieta temblor, so most California children have little or no experience riding out an earthquake,” said IINC Executive Director Candysse Miller. “Our hope is that kids will not only enjoy the activity book, but that they will share it – and its important safety information – with their families.”

The booklets can be downloaded in a PDF format for free from the IINC website at They are also excellent tools for parents, teachers and community leaders to heighten awareness of National Earthquake Preparedness Month, designated throughout the month of April.

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