Honda Breaks Hispanic Ads For Students Run Los Angeles.

La Agencia de Orcí & Asociados has debuted several new Hispanic Honda ads for Students Run LA (SRLA), a youth oriented program surrounding the City of Los Angeles Marathon.

Honda, a major sponsor for the City of Los Angeles Marathon, has promoted the SRLA program for the past three years. The ads, created by La Agencia de Orcí & Asociados, profile actual SRLA participants to generate pride among Hispanic community members and generate support for participants. The tag for the billboards reads “De querer poder en 26.2 millas” (“From dreaming to achieving in 26.2 miles”.)

Honda’s SRLA campaign consists of two :60 TV spots, one :15 TV promo, one :60 radio spot, two :15 radio promos, and 115 30-sheet billboards. The TV spots were produced by Telemundo, KVEA-TV, CH.52, and will air on this station from February 11 to March 3. The radio spots will air on KXOL-FM, 96.3 from February 11 to March 3. In addition, a web banner ad is placed on the KXOL-FM’s home page linking visitors to the SRLA site. The billboards will run throughout the Los Angeles area from February 4 through March 10.

“The community program Students Run LA is very important to the Los Angeles Latino Community,” states Susie Rossick, Manager, Corporate Advertising, American Honda Motor Company Inc., Torrance, CA. “Honda’s promotion of this program gives us the opportunity to demonstrate that we are here for the long run for the Latino community.”

“Honda is committed to a long-term marketing strategy of outreach to the Latino community,” explains Susan Casillas-Pérez, VP, Director of Client Services at La Agencia de Orcí & Asociados. “Honda wants to be involved and support what is important to Latinos.”

Students Run Los Angeles

Students Run Los Angeles (SRLA) is an after-school intervention program for at-risk youth in Los Angeles. SRLA participants commit to a 10-month training program in preparation for completing the 26.2-mile City of Los Angeles Marathon. The program operates out of over 150 middle and high schools under the direction of 250 volunteer teachers/leaders. The program serves more than 2,000 students annually, with more than 13,000 having participated since the program’s inception in 1989. For more information refer to

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