Miami’s IV Americas Food & Beverage Show To Reveal Consumer Choices Among Hispanics.

Are Hispanics more brand-loyal? Why? How do consumer choices compare between Mexican Americans and Cuban Americans? What companies are most successful at targeting the US Hispanic market? These questions and more will be addressed at the IV Annual Americas Food and Beverage Show to be held at the Miami Beach Convention Center November 28 and 29.

The show, organized by the World Trade Center Miami, will provide informative seminars for more than 8,500 buyers from 63 countries on how to reach the 35 million Hispanic consumers in the United States, including the latest demographic findings on this increasingly powerful market, which is now larger than the entire population of Canada. Participants will also learn about competing with multinational retailers, as well as how to respond to changing consumer tastes and purchasing patterns, understanding new retail merchandising techniques, store design technology and building customer loyalty.

Approximately 450 companies will exhibit their products, including countries as geographically and culturally diverse as the United States, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, France, Guyana, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom.

Among other VIP’s, Quebec Deputy Prime Minister Pauline Marois will visit the show, and more than 15 companies that comprise the Quebec exhibit.

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