BVK/Meka Creates Joint Efforts To Provide Information Website On The Tragedy That Has Hit America.

This volunteer driven Free website culminated as an effort of private businesses in cooperation with Federal Agencies to provide accurate information to assist with the tragedies taking place on September 11, 2001. Since many areas have been affected by communications outages, we are using a secure hub to provide this broadcast of accurate information. We will do our best to provide updated information as well as a discussion forum and message board to contact relatives.

“We urge everyone to offer support and prayers to those in need at this very sad time,” said Roly Marante, Public Affairs Director, BVK/MEKA. “As we Americans sit in awe, feeling incredible anger, sadness and horror, we must remain calm, strong and resilient. This is a national tragedy of enormous proportion. All Americans and Nations need to pull together, showing that we’re a country unified in spirit, compassion and hope.

“We all need to come together as Americans and embrace our countrymen at this time of need,” Marante continued. “Our heartfelt thanks to all individuals that put this information into action including the developers and hosting of this site at and the public relations efforts and assistance of Miami marketing communications firms BVK/Meka,, and One World Technologies,, for their efforts.

“God bless ALL people and families affected by this tragedy,” Marante concluded.

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