Freddie Mac & NCLR To Host Hispanic Ownership Symposium.

Freddie Mac and the National Council of La Raza, in conjunction with the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals and, will host a symposium, “Today’s Renters, Tomorrow’s Homeowners: Increasing Latino Homeownership” on Thursday, June 7 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. in B-352 of the Rayburn House Office Building. The symposium is the kickoff event of the Homeowner’s Alliance’s Housing Technology Fair in commemoration of National Homeownership Week, June 4-8.

While over 67% of Americans own their own homes, the homeownership rate for Hispanics is just 46%. Symposium Participants will address the key issues and barriers facing Latinos who wish to buy a home and will also discuss ways to increase Hispanic homeowneship and, in particular, new initiatives that allow community-based, real estate, and other organizations to use the latest technology to facilitate the homebuying process.

Symposium Participants:

Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA)

Dwight Robinson, Senior Vice President, Freddie Mac

Gary Acosta, National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals

Charles Kamasaki, Senior Vice President, National Council of La Raza

John Beneventi,

Teresa Brice-Heames, Housing for Mesa, Inc.

Maria Mancinas, First-time homeowner from Phoenix, Arizona

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