Gray Talent Group launches Bilingual Talent Division.

Chicago talent agency Gray Talent Group has announced the launch of its bilingual talent division Gray Talent Mas, comprised of local actors fluent in English and Spanish for projects casting Spanish-speaking roles.

“The Latino community both here in Chicago and across the country is America’s fastest growing consumer segment,” said Dawn Gray, president. “As production company and casting directors’ demand for Spanish-speaking talent increases, we are committed to providing talented bilingual actors for film, television, industrial, internet, voiceover and theatre projects.”

Heading the new division is Julietta Sanchez, a licensed attorney and agent with Gray Talent Group. Sanchez has been scouting and developing bilingual talent for Gray Talent Mas since joining the company early in 2013, and plans to grow this new talent stable further in the coming months.

“I’m excited to help develop this new division with tremendous growth potential,” said Sanchez. “I think now is a great time for Spanish-speaking actors to take advantage of the vast opportunities out there.”

Beyond reaching out to experienced bilingual actors in the market, Gray Talent Mas is proactively connecting with local Latino community groups that offer programming for the arts. Gray Talent is dedicated to finding talent with potential and helping them further develop their acting careers.

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