As Barriers Tumble, Video Marketing adoption Grows

In recent years, the costs of video production have dropped tremendously thanks to digital technology, while the barriers to distributing video content have also fallen, owing to the internet. Those two factors have likely hastened the adoption of video marketing, which is now near-ubiquitous among US senior marketing professionals, according to a survey conducted during Q2 2013 and Q3 2013 by the Web Video Marketing Council, ReelSEO and Flimp Media.

The poll found that 93% of marketers had used video for online marketing, sales or communications purposes at some point during 2013, up from 81% in 2012. Another 3% said they had not used video in 2013 but were considering doing so.

The growing importance of digital video marketing is also reflected in the number of dollars marketing professionals are allocating to the channel. The poll found that 70.5% of respondents expected their outlays for video to increase in 2013 over the previous year, while 14.6% indicated that budgets would remain static. Just 1.3% foresaw a drop in video marketing budgets for the year.

Marketers are also taking advantage of a number of content delivery platforms in order to get their videos in front of an audience. While the website was the most popular destination for video content, used by nearly 84% of respondents, almost two-thirds tapped YouTube to post videos. Social media platforms were employed by close to 62% of respondents, while around 60% of those polled sent videos via email.

The report also found that user-generated videos were contributing to the increasing number of overall videos produced and disseminated on sharing sites and social media platforms. But it concluded that these types of videos were less effective as marketing tools than professionally produced videos with higher production values.

Courtesy of MediaPost


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