Hispanic Mobile Consumers turn to Mobile Devices & Tablets to obtain Auto Insurance Information [INSIGHT & INFOGRAPHIC]

The report examines the Hispanic auto insurance purchasing decisions and how mobile and tablets play an important role on their choice.
The survey, “Hispanic Mobile Users Auto Insurance Preferences,” conducted using Adsmovil’s network of mobile sites and apps, found that more than one of every five people polled (22%) preferred to use their mobile device to obtain an insurance quote, topped only by their inclination to visit an agent, instead.  Additionally, more than half of the Hispanic mobile users surveyed stated they are likely to purchase their auto insurance policy using a mobile device in the future.
“The findings of this survey have shed light on behaviors of the Hispanic community regarding their car insurance preferences that can help insurance companies better define how to use mobile advertising in their initiatives to address the necessities of this community,” emphasized Jorge A. Rincon, COO of Adsmovil.  “The ‘Hispanic Mobile Users Auto Insurance Preferences’ is the first in a series of industry-specific consumer behavior studies that Adsmovil plans to publish in partnership with comScore.  These studies will provide actionable insights and information on the mobile Latino demographic that will help agencies and brands hone their strategies and tactics to reach this market.”
Some of the insights gained from the study are:
o  Price and coverage are the top two factors considered by Hispanic mobile users when choosing an auto insurance company, with almost six of every ten respondents (57% and 59%, respectively) selecting either one of these factors
o  Looking for general information and price comparisons are the top two activities done on mobile devices when it comes to auto insurance
o  Nearly half of the respondents (45%) have used a mobile app for auto insurance activities.  Paying their insurance bill was the leading activity performed among those who have used a mobile app
o  Language is noticeably important among app users, with more than eight of every 10 (83%) stating that a mobile app in Spanish would be more useful


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