Dallas Pets Alive launches its first digital campaign to promote pet adoption

Dallas Pets Alive! (DPA), a non-profit organization focused on promoting and providing the resources, education and programs needed to eliminate the killing of companion animals, has selected creative agency Dieste, Inc. to develop and launch its first media campaign.
“We are very excited about having Dieste as our communications partner. Our team is confident that this campaign will take our organization to the next level in terms of awareness and assist us in giving longer life to homeless pets,” says DPA Executive Director Leslie Sans.
The Dieste creative and digital teams developed a very emotional campaign to promote the longevity of companion animals. To watch commercial CLICK HERE.

“We commonly take life for granted. Any life. But we also believe everyone deserves second chances, even companion animals. And we wanted to spark positive action. The message here is: there are a great number of pets that already enjoy a longer life, and there are a thousands more that deserve the same opportunity. That’s where the idea of ‘longer life for everyone’ comes from. We all have the same right to grow old,” says Executive Creative Director Ciro Sarmiento, who led the creative team.
Creative Credits:

Chief Creative Officer: Paco Olavarrieta
Executive Creative Director: Ciro Sarmiento
Copywriter: Jose Benitez, Ciro Sarmiento
Art Director: Zeta
Executive Producer: Boris Nurko
Production Company: Landia
Director: Karina Minujin
Music Studio: Elastik Music, Miami
Executive Producer: Luli de Oto
Edit Studio: Red Car


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