Mobile Insights – Multicultural Marketing [Report]

Focusing on African Americans and Hispanics, the report takes an in-depth look at the mobile advertising ecosystem, including data related to mobile advertising trends, habits, spending power and more. It shows the importance of multicultural marketing for mobile advertisers, with African Americans and Hispanics showing tremendous growth in population and spending power. The report also emphasizes the significance of accounting for these cultural groups’ unique attitudes and beliefs when implementing mobile video and rich media campaigns.

Key highlights of the report include:

• 303% growth in mobile video and rich media ad spend by advertisers targeting African Americans and 195% growth in advertisers targeting Hispanics in the past year on the Vdopia network.

• 60% of Hispanics and 43% of African Americans use their mobile phone as their primary device for accessing the internet.

• In 2013, the combined spending power of African Americans and Hispanics was more than $2 trillion in the US.

• 45% of Hispanic and 46% of African American smartphone users are between the ages of 18 and 34. Only 35% of Caucasians fall into this category.

• One-third of Hispanic smartphone owners belong to households with an annual income more than $75,000.

• 56% of African American smartphone users are in the South.

• 88% of African American and 85% of Hispanic smartphone users have bought online in the past six months.

• 34% of Hispanic and 32% of African American smartphone owners also own a tablet device.

To download report CLICK HERE.



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