Consumer Search Behavior

DAC Group and Kantar released the results of their latest consumer search behaviour survey. In its fifth year, the comprehensive study uncovers trends and improves the understanding of consumer media usage throughout the United States and Canada. Results in the categories of general consumer search behaviour, mobile, and social search show steady trending in digital adoption.  Slight variances in findings uncover unique needs highlighted in select sectors. Overall insights gleaned reinforce the need for today’s Digital CMO to take a strategic look at online consumer conversion strategy.

“Now, at the five year mark, our Search Behaviour Study irrefutably indicates that brands benefit from multi-faceted digital marketing campaign plans that includes highly-targeted SEM, SEO, Local Listing Management (LLM) and Display strategy to support consumer online conversion.” says, Nasser Sahlool, VP, Client Strategy, DAC Group., he went on to say, “Once a simple add-on, online digital is now a proven high-performing element in earning a piece of consumers’ wallets.”

Key DAC/Kantar Findings (US):

  •     Consumers continue to show greater confidence in “organic search” results over paid (61% verses 17%)
  •     60% of Americans search for local business information at least once a week (30% at least a few times a week)
  •     Over one third of consumers (82%) find maps/location information important in results
  •     86% believe that reviews of local businesses are important in their decision making process
  •     82% are conducting searches directly through search engines like Bing, Yahoo and FireFox or Google; a 16% increase over 2012 (opposed to searches within company websites or directory listings)


  •     92% of consumers searching on mobile devices prefer browser search compatibility over mobile app availability
  •     35% of the time, consumers report encountering non-optimized mobile sites
  •     Clicks to Bricks relationship remains entwined (47% of consumers searching on mobile devices go directly to a brick and mortar location to complete their purchases)
  •     Age remains a dominate factor in media use differences among consumers i.e. resources; tools
  •     68% agree that seeing a business show up in multiple places increases its perceived credibility
  •     45% of mobile users reported finding inaccurate business information online (a YoY increase and area for brand management attention)
  •     78% of mobile searches are done on Smartphones
  •     84% of Smartphone users find local map inclusion in results somewhat important


  •     40% of social media searches (by brand) are driven by deals, promotions and sales. While, 37% of mobile social users reported they do not visit brand social media sites at all
  •     90% reported that rating and reviews were at least a somewhat important factor to them when making a purchasing decision
  •     44% reported they were likely to post about a purchase they’ve made to their social media network
  •     52% of consumers reported contacting customer support as their preferred method for dispute resolution (expressing an interest that 1:1 customer service holds a spot within the purchase cycle)

Print Yellow Pages (PYP) continues to support double digit lead generation for many brands: auto part and repair (7%/9%), carpet cleaning services (13%), dentists (13%), electrical contractors (16%), pharmacies (10%), and HVAC (17%).

Bloomberg reported a US consumer comfort index reached a fourth month high in December 2013 indicating opportunity for retailers committed to fostering continued confidence on and offline.

Numerous 2013 year-end studies throughout the US also reported a growing commitment to digital marketing investment (i.e. 34% in content and 33% toward analytics**) by CMOs in 2014. In response, digital media agencies, marketing communications consultancies and traditional ad outfits are announcing expanded specialty services and emerging practice groups in an effort to attract budget dollars.

*Consumer Comfort Index Dec 2013, Bloomberg
**2013, Argyle Executive Forum
DAC Group/Kantar Survey: Sample Size: 3,011 US adults 18+ (Margin of Error = +/- 2%)

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