Collective Bias bolsters Shopper Marketing capabilities with ColectivaLatina

Collective Bias, a social shopper media company, launched a number of new service offerings and programs that together will make it easier for social influencers and brands to develop social shopper marketing campaigns that drive sales and product engagement.

ColectivaLatina – ColectivaLatina is a new community of influencers within the Collective Bias Social Fabric that are focused on producing high-quality content with the Hispanic shopper in mind. This niche network now allows advertisers to reach general market influencers in addition to the key Hispanic target. Comprised of several hundred Hispanic shopper experts with a combined reach of over 12 million viewers, the ColectivaLatina community creates stories in both Spanish and English for brands and retailers seeking bilingual and multicultural social media content marketing campaigns. Through the creation of content with cultural relevance, ColectivaLatina brings new opportunities for brands to connect directly with a community that seeks social content for inspiration and to drive their purchase decisions.


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