Use Emotion To Strike A Chord

Wouldn’t a brand be delighted to receive this kind of response to their product?

“I saw it and I just had to have it.”
“My family would be so much happier with it in our home!”
“I felt much safer after we bought one.”

What do these statements all have in common? Emotion. Brands that use emotional marketing succeed with moms because of the connection between an emotion and their product. According to findings by the Corporate Executive Board, messages that leverage emotion are twice as effective as strictly promotional ones. Brands might ask themselves, “Which emotion should I tap into”? It’s not just about choosing an emotion, but choosing the right one. Which emotion is the appropriate one for your brand to reach moms?

When a brand message makes moms really feel something, they’re more likely to remember that product when it comes time to make a purchase. This emotional attachment can lead to consumer loyalty. Moms are subjected to so many brand messages each day – TV commercials, radio ads, billboards – that it’s easy to tune them. Unless, that is, they connect on an emotional level.

Recently, there have been several ad campaigns that pull at moms’ heartstrings. Some use feelings of acceptance; others evoke feelings of simple comfort. While there are many emotions that affect mom consumers, here are four that really stand out to me. It’s important to pay attention to them, and why they matter to brands:

Desire: When a consumer truly desires a product, they don’t just want it — they have to have it. Why do they have to have it? It makes them feel something. Maybe it will make their life a little easier. Think of a new washer/dryer that cuts laundry time in half! For a lot of moms, that’s a game-changer. Sure, it’s a great product that does a lot of amazing things. But does she need it? Now tell her that she’ll have more time to sit and have a cup of coffee or to spend with the kids, and now it’s something she feels like she needs. Whether it’s a time-saving product, new tech gadget or some kind of indulgence, a brand’s marketing should make moms feel that they need this product – right now. Electronics, tech gadgets, and luxury goods all fit the bill for products that brands can offer through a feeling of desire.

Comfort: If a brand can connect with moms through a sense of love and comfort, they’ve really hit their mark. Brand messaging can demonstrate that a product brings people closer together. One brand that’s leveraged this emotion is Apple. FaceTime, for example, has always been positioned as a way to connect with loved ones who are far away. Most recently, their holiday commercial, “Misunderstood,” really struck a chord as it demonstrated how the iPhone can bring a family together when least expected. CPG brands can also evoke this feeling of comfort. What’s more comforting on a cold day than a bowl of Campbell’s tomato soup or a steaming mug of Swiss Miss hot chocolate? When a mom equates a brand with feelings of comfort, she’s more inclined to open her wallet.

Happiness: When brand messaging can make moms (or their children) feel utter happiness, it will leave a lasting impression. While there are surely many brands that make moms happy, it can still be a challenge to evoke that emotion right away to impact a purchase decision. No one does this better than Disney World. Many parents have now started taking video of their kids’ reactions to being told that the family is going to Disney World. Joyful screams and excited squeals are priceless to moms and dads. That emotion starts with the Disney brand making the connection with kids and parents alike. It’s supported by the brand positioning itself as the “happiest place on earth” – an instantly recognizable phrase.

Safety: Family comes first for moms, who want nothing less than the best. One of the most important things for her family is their safety. Don’t just tell moms about your product; find a way to make her feel that her family will be more safe and secure with your product or service than without it. This tactic has been successful for car brands, security systems, and baby care products. One brand that has made itself synonymous with a sense of safety is Volvo. Many other car brands choose to side with a sense of adventure – but Volvo’s brand messaging has consistently focused on their reputation for safety. This successfully keeps them at the forefront of car buyers’ minds. Other products and services that can evoke those feelings are organic foods, home cleaning products, and financial services. Give her a sense of safety, and eventually earn her brand loyalty.

As a marketer, it’s important to understand how emotions can affect consumers’ decisions. They can trigger purchases, drive decisions and sway opinions. Use emotional marketing in your advertising campaigns and track results to know what works best for your brand.

By Amie Reardon
Amie Reardon is marketing manager for Punchbowl.
Courtesy of MediaPost



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