Ten Most Influential ‘Total Market’ States [INFOGRAPHIC]

SSG’s ’10 Most Influential States’ reveal the evolution towards a new mainstream. The transformation is evident in these leading TM states has vas impact on immediate growth opportunities and quarterly corporate outcomes. This is the first in SSG’s continuing review of economic and behavioral game-changing factors, starting with populations shifts. Half of the US population and two-thirds of the US overall growth is generated by the Top TM states collectively. By 2020, Multicultural segments will become the majority segment in these 10 states as a group.
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About SSG

SSG is a growth consulting leader driven by management P&L experience, Big Data and predictive analytics. We develop fact-based business models, insights, customer experiences and roadmaps that profitably segment distinct customer groups and drive revenue. We help clients focus their limited resources where the highest ROI opportunities exist and customize strategies advancing efficient Total Market growth fueled by Millennial, Multicultural & Hispanics segments.




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