‘10 Mobile Trends for 2014 and Beyond’ [REPORT]

JWT’s third annual report on trends in the mobile sphere spotlights key themes and builds on trends spotlighted in previous reports. The report covers significant drivers and manifestations of these developments, and their implications for brands. “10 Mobile Trends for 2014 and Beyond” is based around on-the-ground research at the MWC in Barcelona and SXSW in Austin, as well as desk research and insights gleaned from interviews with several mobile experts and influencers.

Today “mobile” connotes not only our phones and tablets but other connected devices like wearables and cars, and “smart” objects and systems. Some of this technology is in its infancy, but it’s maturing quickly, as evidenced by the many connected cars and wearables at this year’s MWC and a heavy emphasis on the Internet of Things. Meanwhile, consumers are spending ever more time with mobile screens each day—and this will only keep rising, considering that the phone is the prime route to the Internet for many of the newest mobile consumers.

As we hurtle toward a world steeped in mobile, the technology is driving fundamental changes in the business landscape, enabling goods and services never before possible, and giving rise to new challenges and compelling opportunities for brands.

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