Targeting Still a Hurdle for Marketers

According to a February 2014 study by DNN in collaboration with Lawless Research, Survey Sampling International (SSI) and Qualtrics, acquiring new customers and increasing retention were the top two 2014 marketing priorities for US marketing executives, cited by 87% and 86%, respectively.

A December 2013 study from Forrester Consulting for ExactTarget found similar results. Once again, acquiring new customers and retaining existing ones were the top priorities cited by US marketing leaders.

ExactTarget reported that marketers still looked to “targeting large-scale, demographically defined audience segments” as their primary mode of customer acquisition. And the source noted that new technology should help improve such efforts, as marketers would be able to target more effectively, personalizing content for customers while building better relationships.

Based on the findings from DNN, Lawless Research, SSI and Qualtrics, this technology may be necessary for marketers to overcome their top challenges. Among US marketing execs studied, getting or holding target customers’ attention, as well as finding their target audience online, were the top two major challenges.

Courtesy of eMarketer


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